
Are you tired of your dogs problem behaviours?

Are you ready to get the relationship you want with your dog?

Unfortunately we see far to many dogs go to rehoming centres for issues we can help solve.

It is estimated that approximately 61,100 dogs come into rehoming charities in the UK each year due to issues regarding unwanted behaviour.

It is also proven that behavioral problems are the most common reason for dogs under the age of 2 to be put to sleep by vets.

It is my goal to help as many owners as possible to understand the fundamental needs of their dog so that we can help to reduce these numbers and improve dogs lives all over the UK.

I work with a non judgemental attitude; most dog owners, even with well-trained dogs, will have experienced behavioural issues of some kind, by making the choice to get help you show a significant commitment to being the best owner you can be. Since you are reading this you have already made the first step.

Any issues from jumping or pulling on the lead, to larger issues such as aggression or anxiety, can cause disharmony in the relationship between you and your dog, and are usually a sign that your dog needs further leadership.

I use lots of positive reinforcement to show you how to communicate effectively with your dog and become the leader they need you to be.

For more information on how the Behaviour modification programme works click here.